
Terms of Use, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for the “Sarfati” Website
Last Updated: April 2021

We welcome your choice to browse our website at: (the “Site.”)

Sarfati is a website for the purchase of food and edible products “(the Products.)”
on the website and receive them in a carefully packaged delivery to your home according to the distribution days. The website also provides information
About the products and services provided on the Site.

Use of the Website: These Terms of Use and Terms of Use constitute a binding agreement between you, whether privately or through a corporation (“you”), and the Website regarding browsing and use of the Website on any computer or other communication device such as a cell phone, tablet computers, etc. They also apply to the use of the Website and/or related websites through an application or any other means. Read the Terms and Conditions of Use carefully, as browsing the Website and performing actions on it attest to your agreement to the terms contained in these Terms and Conditions of Use
(“The Regulations”.)

1.1 The provisions of the Terms of Use relate equally to members of both sexes, and the use of masculine and/or feminine is for my own reasons
Convenience only.

1.2 Browsing the Website is permitted at any age. The purchase on the website is intended for those with legal capacity from the age of 18 only.
Purchase of a minor under the age of 18 on the website requires the approval of a parent or guardian.

1.3 As a rule, browsing and browsing the Website does not require registration, and it is open to any surfer. Without derogating from the aforesaid
The Website reserves its right to prevent a surfer who has not registered to the Website from accessing certain services on the Website, for any reason or reason, at his sole discretion, without the need for prior notice or warning and without
to be responsible for any damage due to his decision.

1.4 In the event that a provision of these Terms of Use is determined to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason,
This shall not affect or impair the legality, validity and enforcement of the other provisions of the Regulations.

  1. Intellectual Property: Unless expressly stated otherwise, all copyright and intellectual property on the Site, including designs, images, audio, video, text, databases, software, code (the “Content”), as well as logos, trademarks, etc.

2.1 (the “Marks”) are owned solely by the Site, or by a third party, who has authorized or licensed the Site
Make lawful use of the content or marks, including the Website’s business partners.
The content and marks are provided “IS AS” for personal use only. Unless expressly stated otherwise, any part of the foregoing may not be copied, distributed, publicly displayed, publicly performed, transferred to the public, modified, processed, created derivative works, sold or rented any part of the foregoing, whether directly or through or in collaboration with a third party, in any way or by any means whether electronic, mechanical, optical, photographic or recording, or by any means
and in another way, without obtaining prior written consent from the Site or the other rights holders, as the case may be,
and subject to the terms of consent.

2.2. אם וככל שניתנה הסכמה כאמור, יש להימנע מלהסיר, למחוק או לשבש כל הודעה או סימן בעניין זכויות קניין רוחני, לדוגמה: סימון זכויות היוצרים ©, או סימן מסחר ,® הנלווים לתכנים שיעשה
They are used.

2.3. בתנאי שאתה זכאי לגלוש באתר, האתר מקנה לך רישיון מוגבל לשימוש בו ולהורדת או הדפסת
A copy of any part of the content to which access has been granted is appropriate for personal, non-commercial use only.

  1. Copyright and Intellectual Property Infringement: We respect the copyright and property of others. If you believe that information or content on the site infringes
    Proprietary rights that belong to you, please contact us using the contact details at the bottom of these Terms of Use.
  2. User Statements:
    When browsing the Site, you warrant and represent the following: (1) Browsing and using the Site is at your own risk.
    Sole; (2) The details you entered when leaving the details and/or purchasing on the Website are correct, current,
    accurate and complete; (3) If necessary, in the event of a change in details, you will update them by contacting the Website;4) You are legally competent and you agree to the terms of the Regulations;5) You will not use the Website by automated or non-human means, whether by means of a BOT Script or in any other way;6) You shall not do
    unlawful use of the Site; (7) Your use of the Site will not violate any applicable law or regulation.

4.1 The Website may prevent any surfer from using the Website at his absolute discretion. Without derogating from the aforesaid, the Website may block its access to it or part of it if details were deliberately provided while leaving details on the Website
incorrect, out-of-date, or incomplete.

  1. Prohibited activity on the site:
    You may not use the Site except for the purposes for which it was intended. The use of the website is permitted for private and personal purposes only and may not be used for commercial purposes, except for those approved by the website in a manner

5.1 As a user of the Website, you agree not to: retrieve data or other content from the Website to create or compile a collection, database or directory
without prior written permission from the Site;

5.2. Make any use of the Site’s designs; make unauthorized use of the Site, including collecting e-mail addresses, etc., by electronic or other means for the purpose of sending e-mail by automated means; The Applications use to circumvent, disable, or otherwise interfere with the security of the Site, including those that prevent or restrict the use or copying of any Content;

5.3 To deceive or mislead the Website and/or its users; misuse the Site’s support services or make false reports regarding the use of the Site;

5.4 . לעשות שימוש אוטומטי במערכת, כגון שימוש בסקריפטים לשליחת הערות או הודעות, או
the use of data mining, robots, or similar data collection and extraction tools;

5.5. לנסות להתחזות לאדם אחר ו/או להעביר את פרטי הגישה לאתר לאדם אחר; במידע שהתקבל באתר על מנת להטריד, להתעלל או לפגוע באדם אחר להשתמש

5.6. להשתמש באתר כחלק מכל מאמץ להתחרות באתר

5.7. לאחזר, לפענח או להנדס לאחור חלק מהאתר, אפשרות באתר או יישום באתר להטריד, להפחיד או לאיים על כל אחד מעובדי או סוכני האתר

5.8. למחוק את זכויות היוצרים או את הודעת הזכויות הקנייניות מכל תוכן או סימן, להעתיק או להתאים את קוד האתר או חלק ממנו, כולל אך לא רק HTML, PHP, Flash,
JavaScript or other code

5.9. להעלות או להעביר (או לנסות להעלות או להעביר) וירוסים, סוסים טרויאניים, או חומר
Other, including the use of spam, which will interfere with the use of the Site;

5.10. לבצע פעולה שתפגע או תזיק לאתר, בהתאם לשיקול דעתו של האתר;

5.10.1. להשתמש באתר באופן שאינו עולה בקנה אחד החוק, התקנות והפסיקה.

Without derogating from any additional right, any use of the Site in violation of the foregoing may result, inter alia,
To terminate or suspend your rights to use the Site.

  1. Third Party Content:

The Site may use links to other sites “(Third-Party Sites)” as well as articles, images, text, graphics, images, designs, music, sound, video, information, applications, software, and other content or items belonging to or originating from “Third-Party Sites” (“Third-Party Content.)” Third-Party Sites and Third-Party Content are not researched, monitored, or reviewed by the Site and the Site is not responsible for third-party content posted through the Site, that you accessed through the Site, which is available through or installed on the Site, including the content, opinions, reliability, privacy practices, or other policies of or contained in third party sites or content. Use of a link or permission to use or install any third-party websites or any third-party content does not imply an endorsement or approval thereof by us, and the responsibility for accessing the link
This is for the surfer only, and he must check it before entering it.

6.1. The Website does not take responsibility for any purchases made by you from third party websites or other companies that will be made.
and will be in effect exclusively between you and the applicable third party.

  1. Site Management:

We reserve the right to: (1) monitor violations of these regulations; (2) Take legal action
against anyone who violates the provisions of the Law or the provisions of these Terms of Use, at the sole discretion of the Website, including,
without limitation, reporting the user to law enforcement; (iii) refuse, restrict access, restrict availability, or disable (to the extent technologically feasible) any or any portion of your contribution to the Site, at our discretion

7.1. דעתו הבלעדי של האתר וללא הגבלה; וכן )4( לנהל את האתר באופן שיגן על זכויותיו ורכושו ויקל
for its proper functioning.

  1. Permission to Mail, Publications and Advertising: A user who has left details on the Site and is attached to the Site’s mailing list, authorizes the use of his details for the purpose of receiving marketing information, updates and advertisements that the Site will carry out from time to time.

8.1 A surfer who has left such details will be subject to the mailing instructions detailed in the regulations below. It is forbidden to leave the details of another person on the Website without his consent and/or without his presence in front of the screen at the time of leaving the details and after all the terms of the Terms of Use have been explained to him.

8.3. When leaving the details, the user will be asked to provide personal details such as: first name, last name, telephone number, as well as an active email address (at the sole discretion of the website). Case
details of the change must be updated on the website.

8.4. מובהר כי אין חובה על-פי חוק למסור פרטים באתר, אולם בלא למוסרם לא ניתן יהיה לקבל תוכן
Marketing and updates from the website.

8.5 The Website will not make use of the details provided, except in accordance with the privacy policy of the website constituting
An integral part of the bylaws.

8.6. Leaving details on the Website and authorizing receipt of marketing content includes, inter alia, receiving marketing content, information
In relation to promotions, updates and discounts offered to registered users.

8.7. Approval of mailing (receipt of marketing content) as aforesaid, constitutes the user’s consent to the sending of advertising materials
According to the Communications Law (Telecommunications and Broadcasting) (Amendment No. 40) 5768 – 2008 “(Communications Law)”

8.8. It is clarified that the person who leaves the details may remove himself from the mailing list at any time by clicking on “Unsubscribe from the mailing list” or any similar text that appears at the bottom of any mailing sent or by contacting the Website by email
The media, to send the registrant a direct mail as aforesaid.

8.9. The Website may cancel the registration of a surfer to the mailing list at its absolute discretion. Without derogating from the aforesaid, the Website may prevent a surfer from browsing and/or unsubscribe from the mailing list, or block access
to him in any of the following cases:

8.10. אם בעת השארת הפרטים ו/או הרכישה באתר נמסרו במתכוון פרטים שגויים, במקרה שנעשה שימוש באתר לביצוע או כדי לנסות לבצע מעשה בלתי חוקי על-פי דיני מדינת ישראל, או מעשה הנחזה על פניו כבלתי חוקי כאמור, או כדי לאפשר, להקל, לסייע
or to encourage the commission of such an act

8.10.1. If the terms of the Terms of Use have been violated; If any action has been taken by a surfer that will prevent others from continuing to use the site in any way

8.10.2. The information in the mailing should not be considered as a guarantee of any result and/or warranty for the product and/or service
proposed therein.

8.10.3 The Website shall not be liable for any damages (direct or indirect), loss, distress and expenses incurred by the person who leaves details and/or to any third parties as a result of the use or reliance on any content, information, data, presentation, advertisement, product, service, etc. appearing in the mailing. Any such reliance is made at his discretion
and the sole responsibility of the person who left the details.

8.10.4. The mailing in its entirety, including all the information appearing therein, is offered as is, and shall be as accurate and correct as possible,
However, it is possible that the information is incomplete or alternatively, there may have been technical or other errors in the information.

8.10.5 The User confirms that he will have no claim in connection with the advertisements and/or advertisements displayed on the Website,
including in connection with their location on the Website. It is clarified that with regard to advertising ads displayed under the sponsorship of a third party,
The website has no involvement in the selection of the advertisements displayed, the veracity of their content and the order in which they appear.

  1. Finish:

The terms of these Terms of Use will remain in effect when using the Website. Without derogating from any other provision of these Regulations,
The Website reserves the right to prevent any surfer from using the Website (including blocking certain IP addresses,) for any reason or reason whatsoever (without having to provide a reason or reason,) at his sole discretion, without the need


with prior notice or warning and without being liable for any damage due to his decision. In addition, the website may
Stop your use of it and any content or information you post at any time, without prior notice.

  1. Website changes, malfunctions and service interruptions:

The Site reserves the right to change or remove the content of the Site from time to time for any reason at its discretion
His exclusive opinion and without prior notice. The Website is not obligated to update any information or content on the Website.

10.1. The Site shall not be liable to you or any third party for any change, suspension or termination of service.

10.2. The Website does not guarantee that the Website’s services will not be interrupted, will be provided regularly or without interruptions, will be carried out safely
and without errors and will be immune from unauthorized access to the Site’s computers or from damages, breakdowns,

10.3. And everything, in the hardware, software, lines and communication systems of the Website or any faults or failures –
from its suppliers. The Website reserves the right to change, at any time and without prior notice, the terms and conditions of these Terms and Conditions that apply to the use of the Website and these changes will take effect immediately upon their entry into the Terms of Use.

  1. Prices on the website:

Prices, availability, and other terms of purchase appear on the pages of the Site and may change from time to time. The Website reserves the right to change the variety of products and/or services or to discontinue them or to change the price of the products and/or services offered on the Website and outside of it, without prior notice.

11.1. When ordering on the Website, you are responsible for providing true, accurate, current and complete information. The Site may verify the details entered after placing a reservation, and may cancel or limit the reservation at any time. If
And a payment has been made for a cancelled order, the site will refund the payment amount to that payment method.

11.2. If, for any reason, the credit card company refuses to transfer the amount of payment for a purchase on the Website, the Website shall be entitled to suspend or immediately cease the provision of the Service and shall be entitled to demand payment in addition to the cost incurred by the Website as a result of the refusal (including fines by a third party) by other means, at the discretion of the Website. In the event that the Website is forced to take legal proceedings to collect payment balances, you undertake to indemnify the Website for all expenses incurred by it, including attorney’s fees and additional legal expenses.

11.3 Purchase on the Website is subject to additional terms and conditions of the credit card companies and/or any other means of payment appearing on the Website.

  1. Delivery Policy: The Website will ensure the delivery of an order made on the Website to any place agreed upon by the parties when placing an order on the Website.

12.1 Orders from the Website will be possible in Jerusalem, Modi’in, Tel Aviv, Herzliya, Ra’anana, Netanya, Rishpon, Efrat, Zichron Ya’akov and Haifa

12.2 Orders will be processed and delivered by courier to your home on the following schedules:|
Wednesdays – division in the Jerusalem area; Thursdays – distribution in the central region.
The dates of distribution of shipments are subject to holidays and holidays. As the distribution dates change, the website will update the
The customer is accordingly.

12.3 The cost of the order does not include the shipping cost. The shipping cost may be updated from time to time in accordance with what is stated when placing an order on the website.

12.4 The Website may set a minimum order amount on the Website.
In the event that a product ordered on the Website is not available in stock, the Website will update the Ordering Party. If the customer does not
will be available, the site will ship the order without the missing product.

12.5 In the event that the customer is not present at his home at the time of the courier’s arrival, at the time that was arranged with him in advance, the order
will be returned and shipped once more after additional shipping charges have been paid by the customer.

12.6 Delivery of orders will be possible subject to the following conditions:
There is reasonable accessibility to the place of reservation; The site (including its courier company) makes a distribution in that area;

  1. If it is an organization, institution, kibbutz or locality that cannot be reached without a special permit and/or does not have an organized registration of streets and/or house numbers, the invitation will be delivered to the distribution point
    The central one is in the same place.

    The Website will not be responsible for any delay and/or delay in delivery and/or non-delivery, caused as a result of:
  2. force majeure and/or events beyond the control of the Website;
  3. For reasons related to the website’s courier company;
  4. Closing the farm so that the activity of the Site and/or its suppliers and/or service providers will be harmed, for any reason whatsoever.

13. Refund, change and cancellation policy:

Due to the nature of the service and products (food,) it will not be possible to refund, change or cancel an order after it has been sent.
In accordance with Section 14C(d)1 of the Consumer Protection Law, 5741-1981

13.1. In the event that a refund, modification or cancellation is made due to a defect in the Product, it is the responsibility to collect or replace the Defective Product
from the customer’s home will apply to the website.

13.2. A product that is defined as defective by the customer will be inspected by the Website. If, after checking the website, the product is found to be in good condition, the customer will not receive a refund and will be able to request that the product be sent back to him, subject to
to the terms of the website’s delivery policy.

13.3. The refund will be made using the payment method used by the customer to place the reservation.

13.5 The provisions of the Regulations are subject to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law, 5741-1981.

14. Jurisdiction:

These Terms of Use and the use of the Website shall be governed solely by the laws of the State of Israel, but the
The choice of international law set forth therein.

14.1. The courts in the jurisdiction of the Jerusalem District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all
A matter arising from and/or related to the Terms of Use and/or legal disputes that may arise between you and the Website.

15. Accuracy/Technical and Other Corrections:

The website as a whole, including all the information appearing on it, is offered to the public as is, and will be as accurate and correct as possible
However, it is possible that the information is incomplete or alternatively, there may have been technical or other errors in the information. The Website reserves its right to correct such errors and/or errors and/or inaccuracies and to update the information on the Website
At any time and without notice.

16. Site Warranty:

The content on the site can be used as is( .AS cannot be adapted to the needs of each and every person.
The user will not have any claim, claim or demand against the site for the features of the contents, their capabilities,
Their limitations and/or their suitability to his needs and the use of the Website will be the sole responsibility of the user of the Website.

16.1. The images of the products on the Website are presented for illustrative purposes only. There may be certain differences in appearance, shade, size, etc., between the product, as presented on the website, and the product that will be supplied to the customer. A clerical error in the description
A product and/or its price will not be binding on the website.

16.2. The products appearing on the Website may be manufactured and/or imported and/or marketed and/or supplied by third parties. The customers of the Website confirm and declare that they are aware of this and that they will bear the responsibility to contact and demand compensation from the manufacturer and/or the importer and/or the marketer and/or the supplier for any damage, direct or
indirect, including bodily harm, which will be caused to them that exceeds the cost of the product.

16.3. The products displayed on the Website may contain allergens (such as gluten, lactose, tree nuts, soy, eggs, etc.) and the details or descriptions appearing on the Website should not be relied upon. If necessary, please consult the website about ingredients found in certain products. In cases of undesirable allergic reactions, stop
from eating the product and contact a doctor immediately.

16.4. The use of the Website will be made at the sole and full responsibility of each surfer. The Website does not guarantee that the content and services published on the Website will be complete, correct, legal or accurate or will suit the expectations and requirements of each surfer. The Website shall not bear any responsibility whatsoever for any result arising from them, or from the use of
or reliance on them, including: (1) errors, errors and inaccuracies;2) Damage to body or property,
of any kind, caused by the use of the Website and/or a purchase on the Website; (3) Interference with access to or from the Site;4(
Any bugs, viruses, Trojan horses, etc., that may be transmitted to the Site by any third party.

17. Privacy Policy:

17.1. The Website respects the privacy of the Customers.
In addition to the information you provide when you register to the Site, the Site collects certain information about your computer, through which you visit and perform actions on the Site. The information is collected automatically (including through the use of “cookies”) and may include IP addresses, browser type, browsing and logging times to the website, manner

17.2. The browsing and the tool you use for the purpose of browsing, details about your internet provider and the addresses of the websites from which you came. The information provided at the time of registration and the information collected by the Website as stated in this paragraph shall be referred to together: “Information Collected on the Website.)” The information collected on the website may be used by the website for

17.2.1. To provide you with services and to improve the Website and/or the Services;

17.2.2. The proper operation of the Website;

17.2.3. Analyze and administer the Site properly;

17.2.4. Improving the Site’s customer service;

17.2.5. to contact or provide you with data in connection with the Site or the Service;

In order to provide you with the information you have requested or other information which the Site believes may be of interest
you, from time to time;

17.2.7. To tailor advertisements and commercial information to your personal preferences;

17.2.8. In order to be contacted by the Site’s representatives regarding the products provided by the Site;

17.2.9 In order to conduct customer surveys and/or marketing studies conducted by the Website from time to time.

The Website and/or anyone on its behalf will not disclose and/or sell any information collected on the Website to any third party, except to those on their behalf to whom they provide the information collected on the Website solely for the purpose of providing service and completing the
A purchase procedure carried out on the Website, which are also committed to full protection of the confidentiality of the information collected on the Website.

17.3 However, the Website and/or anyone on its behalf will be entitled to transfer information collected on the Website to third parties
(except for sensitive information such as credit card details, ID numbers, etc.) in any of the following cases:

17.4 Your prior written consent has been given;

The Website and/or anyone on its behalf are required by law to transfer the said information, for example, by virtue of a house order

17.4.1. In order to protect the legal and proprietary rights of the Website and/or anyone on its behalf in all matters relating to
to this website;

17.4.2. In the event of a legal dispute between you and the Website which requires disclosure of the details;

If you violate the Terms of Use of the Site or if you perform through the Site, or in any connection with the Site,
acts contrary to or perceived to be contrary to the law, or any attempt to carry out such actions;

17.4.3. In any event that the Website believes that the provision of the collected information is necessary in order to prevent serious bodily harm
the user or his property or the body or property of a third party;

17.4.4. Sharing social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and others and other online advertisers such as
Google, Taboola, and others;

17.4.5. In addition, the Website may provide third parties with only general statistical information, which is not personal or private, regarding the use of the Website, such as the total number of visitors to this Website and on each page of the Website
as well as the domain names of the Internet service providers of the site visitors;

If the site is merged into the activity of another entity or if the site is transferred to the ownership of another corporation, it will be possible to transfer the information on the site to the new corporation, but only in the event that the corporation undertakes to keep
About this Privacy Policy.

17.4.6. It is important to remember that it is not possible to guarantee 100% against hostile and determined activity by foreign parties, and therefore these actions do not guarantee absolute security, and the Website does not guarantee that the services on the Website will be completely immune.
against unauthorized access to the information collected therein.

18. שיפוי:

The user must indemnify the Website, its employees, managers, business partners or anyone on their behalf for any damage, loss, loss of profit, payment or expense incurred by them – including attorney’s fees and legal expenses due to the violation of the Regulations.

19. Miscellaneous:

The terms of these Terms of Use constitute all agreements and understandings regarding the use of the Website. Failure to exercise or enforce
A right or provision in these Terms of Use shall not be considered a waiver by the Website of the exercise of the right or enforcement of the provision.
The Website shall be entitled to assign to others all or part of its rights and/or obligations under these Terms of Use.

19.1. In the event that a provision of these Terms of Use is determined to be unenforceable or invalid for any reason,
This shall not affect or impair the legality, validity and enforcement of the other provisions of the Regulations.

20. Contact Us:

The Website is meticulous in complying with the provisions of the law and respects the right of the Website users and others to privacy and a good name. If you believe that content has been posted on the site that harms you for any reason, please contact us according to the details
below and we will try to handle your inquiry as soon as possible. Such inquiries may be forwarded by the following means:

Address: Beit Yosef, 7 Hasmonean
Phone 0525199993
Email: [email protected]

All rights in these Terms of Use are reserved to Daniel Advocates and may not be copied, reproduced or distributed.

Last Updated: April 2021

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